Create a partial model definition of a pydantic model
Sometimes I want to create a partial model definition of a pydantic model. For example, if I want to expose a database model from API, some of the fields I would like to keep in secret, or I just want to expose very few fields in a summary API. I don’t want to write model definition twice. I would like to write something like
ModelExposed = partial_model(ModelSource, 'ModelExposed', include=["title", "description"])
So I write a funciton as below to do it, including support of passing list of excluding fields, copying computed fields and validators.
def partial_model(model: pydantic.BaseModel,
partial_model_name: str,
include: list[str] | None = None,
exclude: list[str] | None= None,
doc: str | None= None,
module: str | None = None
fields = []
for name, info in model.model_fields.items():
if exclude and name in exclude:
if include and name not in include:
fields.append((name, info))
new_model = pydantic.create_model(
__doc__=doc or model.__doc__,
__module__=module or model.__module__,
**{name: (info.annotation, info) for (name, info) in fields}
for field in model.model_computed_fields:
if field in model.__dict__:
setattr(new_model, field, getattr(model, field))
new_model.__pydantic_validator__ = model.__pydantic_validator__
return new_model