Python version of Rust Result Sum Type

I try to implement a Python version of the Result<T, E> sum type in rust which can be used with match/case pattern matching. The pattern matching with sub-patterns like case Err(e) could be implemented in Python with the __match_args__ dunder attribute. This is how Result[T, E], OK() and Err() defined: import typing T = typing.TypeVar('T') E = typing.TypeVar('E') class Result[T, E]: __match_args__ = ('_val',) def __init__(self, val): self._val = val class Ok[T](Result[T, . Continue reading

Run wasm built with wasm-pack with pythonmonkey

I have been trying to run wasm code built with wasm-pack with pythonmonkey, a Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine embedded into the Python Runtime. Consider a as follow: use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; #[wasm_bindgen] pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 { return a + b; } With wasm-pack, we can build the src code to wasm wasm-pack build --target nodejs --no-typescript We will get a .wasm file and a .js wrapper file. Continue reading